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Complete an Inquiry for Housing Support with Pathways to Home

Program Criteria Includes:

  • Families with children residing in Orange, Osceola or Seminole counties.

  • Without permanent housing or facing imminent risk of losing housing.

  • Working, employable or have stable income; and, meets guidelines for low-income services.

  • Motivated, as evidenced by signing a Mutual Agreement committing to remain in program for 6 to 12 months.

  • Entire family agrees to participate in the Rapid Re-housing and teaming process.


What You Can Expect:

  • 1 to 2 weeks to complete the referral and assessment process.

  • Most families meeting our program eligibility criteria are placed on a wait list.

  • A family’s documented eligibility for HUD-funded services is shared with all area housing providers to aid families in accessing the first available assistance.


Please note: Pathways to Home currently does not have funding available to assist homeless families with children temporarily residing or staying with friends/family. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition for homeless is: Families must be homeless either in 1) emergency facility, 2) hotels paid by charitable organization, or 3) living on the streets and maximum income of 30% AMI. Access HUD’s Category 1 homeless definition here.


Do you meet the HUD definition for homelessness?
Scroll down to complete the referral form.


Do not meet the HUD definition for homelessness?
Please contact Homeless Services Network of Central Florida at 407-893-0133 to complete an eligibility screening.

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