Children's Advocacy Center Osceola

Children’s Advocacy Center Osceola (CAC Osceola) provides a safe haven and comprehensive services for children who are victims of child sexual and physical abuse and their non-offending family members.
Accredited by the National Children’s Alliance, CAC Osceola’s mission is to reduce trauma and promote healing for child abuse victims and their families in Osceola County. We achieve this goal by facilitating a coordinated, multi-agency response in a safe and child-friendly setting; and we work to prevent future child abuse through community education.
CAC Osceola is built upon an evidence-based model with more than 30 years of historical data demonstrating the importance of responding to child abuse claims with the victim’s rights front and center. Under the umbrella of our center, this model brings together representatives from child protective services, law enforcement, medical care, mental health, victim advocacy and prosecution to work collaboratively as a team so that the child does not have to endure multiple interviews and painful retellings; thereby reducing the risk of re-victimization. These multi-disciplinary team members work effectively together to provide the judiciary system with relevant information while maintaining the safety, privacy and dignity of the victims and their families. Our Child Advocates partner with each family to ensure they have the resources and support to heal from abuse.
Formal partners include: Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, Kissimmee Police Department, St. Cloud Police Department, Orlando Health (CAC Orange Child Protection Team and The Healing Tree), School District of Osceola County, State Attorney’s Office Ninth Judicial Circuit, Embrace Families CBC and the Department of Children and Families. Additionally, CAC Osceola enjoys support from private donors, foundations and government agencies, including: City of St. Cloud, Osceola County Government, Florida Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers, Florida’s Office of the Attorney General, Disney and the Hoffa Memorial Foundation.
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